Tower of Stars
One thing Sean had always hated about himself was his intelligence.
Upon observation, he found it made him arrogant, aloof, and not to
mention sarcastic. And sadly, most of the kids at his school didn't
have the brain capacity to appreciate wit. Sure, Sean aced all of his
classes with ease, and now in his Junior year of high school, he was
the Valedictorian of his class, but that didn't increase his
popularity. In fact it made some of the smarter kids in his school
hate him with a passion that was almost holy. So, alone and dejected,
Sean wandered from class to class in a haze, depressed that he had no
Physically, Sean was underdeveloped. This was the other thing Sean
hated about himself, he couldn't stand the fact he was short and
flabby. He wanted to be big and muscular, but he just couldn't seem
to find the will to do anything. From research, Sean also knew his
genitalia were underdeveloped. His penis was a merely four-and-a-half
inches when erect, and even smaller when flaccid. Girls never noticed
Sean, and the guys always made fun of him for being so weak.
Actually, there was one person who paid attention to Sean, or at
least seemed to. It was a guy, a Senior, that much Sean knew. Sean
had no idea who he was, but Sean always noticed that he was looking
at him while walking in the hall or at lunch. The Senior never said
anything, only seemed to watch. His eyes had a strange, piercing
quality about them that unnerved Sean. Sean never approached him, or
by the time Sean mustered up the courage to do so, he was gone.
One night, after finishing up some simplistic work on Calculus
derivatives, Sean lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. Tears stung
his eyes as the young man desperately looked for an answer to his
woes within his mind.
"Why do they all hate me?" He had said several times that night to
himself. The depth of Sean's mind, however, could produce no answer.
He wrestled with the question for hours, crying most of the time and
beating his pillow with his fists. It was aggravating for Sean, only
17, to be emotionally tormented like this. But what could he do?
Force everyone to stop? Conform into something he was not? It was so
painful for Sean, he couldn't stand it anymore. He finally stood up,
his eyes reaching his telescope. Sean decided he'd look at the stars
tonight. Taking his telescope outside and placing it on the front
lawn, Sean slowly scanned the heavens for some familiar stars. He
soon viewed the Little and Big Dippers, Orion and Sirrus, and the
constellation of Draco. After a few moments of looking, Sean
discovered an interesting sight indeed.
Stars of different color-red, blue, and green- were slowly aligning
into a triangle in the Northern Hemisphere. Sean's eyes widened at
the site of this odd occurance, knowing that no such stars existed
anywhere, at least, not this close to Earth. Sean looked again,
making sure he wasn't seeing things, and again the stars were there.
"What's going on…" Sean muttered. He was baffled, that was for sure.
"You've seen the approaching Union, I see." A voice said from behind
Sean. Sean spun around to see that mysterious kid standing behind him.
"Union? What are you doing here?"
"Watching. As I have been for sometime."
"Watching? Me?"
"You can't know that… at least, not yet."
"Enough questions. Suffice it to say you shall become… more than
yourself somewhat soon."
"Explain yourself!" Sean demanded. The Senior was taller than Sean,
and he looked somewhat more powerful.
"Later, young one. Until then…" And the kid turned and seemed to
disappear into the darkness. Sean, an expression of sheer confusion
on his face, stood on the lawn for a few moments. He finally decided
to take in his telescope and literally ran up to his room. Not only
had he seen some of the strangest stars in the galaxy, but that kid
paid him a visit. What was going on? (Yes, I know, no transformations yet. Patience ;) |
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