Some other place, some other time, it seemed like only yesterday I used to be a normal guy, but that all changed last summer, I was 5ft 5in tall, and a bit thin, so I started working out, it didn't seem to do any good, no matter how much I worked out I couldn't gain any muscle mass, I was desperate to get bigger, everyone I knew was so much larger then me, even the guy I had a crush on was bigger then me, Carl, yes Carl was huge, a staggering 8ft 8in, I felt like a child around him, the fact that he called me "little man" didn't help much as well, I was in love with him, but he wouldn't give me the time of day, let alone let me be close to him, my heart sank just about every time he flexed in front of the other big guys at the gym, there had to be a way to get myself as big as him I thought then maybe I would have a chance to be with him for once…… The very next week I found a store in town where you can get magical stuff at, it was the kind of store where you think that if you saw it you would say in your mind "no way can this be real" but I was desperate to become bigger no matter how silly it might seem to go to a place like this, I was looking around the store at all the strange potions & books & objects I was just about to leave when the owner came out from the back room…… "Can I help you ?" he asked At first I was a loss for words, what could I say I never been in a place like this before…… "Looking for something ?" he asked as if he knew I was looking for a certain something, I decided that I was gonna tell him what I was hopeing & praying to find here…… "I want to be bigger" I blurted out at him . He first looked at me odd then it was like a light went off above his head "ah, a growing potion or spell" he then went dashing around the store looking hither & yon, he came back to me holding a large bottle in his hands "here's just the thing" he proclaimed…… I blinked, there it was in my hands it said on it in big letters 'BIGGER' and that's all it said on it, there was a tag on it with the price $10.00 a bargan I thought, so I paid the man the cash, plus tax as well, and he gave me some change in return I told him to keep the change seeing as the only person there was me, he gave me some advice "just take a little bit, a little bit goes a long way" I didn't know what to think of his advice so I left…… When I got home I forgot what he told me…… That night I drank the whole bottle of the stuff before I went to bed, needless to say, I had a very cryptographic dream I couldn't figure it out no matter how hard I tried, it was just an odd dream to me…… The next morning I awoke with a killer headache, the room was spinning around when I opened my eyes, I tried to focus them, my room was different, everything seemed smaller, way smaller, like child-sized, I blinked, no the room wasn't smaller, I was bigger, the potion worked, I sprang out of bed, and hit my head on the ceiling, WHAP ! "ouch, that hurt" I said to myself, I then recalled my ceiling was 8ft up and all I did was try to sit up, I tried again, this time I scrunched up, I had to know how big I got, I reached in my junk drawer and got out my tape measure, I soon found out I was around 10ft 10in tall and much more muscular then Carl, boy was he in for a surprize, I put on my shorts, they were really tight on me, bulgeing everywhere, I had to grin a lot. I felt so hot, and so powerful, I just had to show Carl & the others at the gym, I felt like I was on top of the world, nothing could ruin this day I thought to myself, if I only knew then what I know now….. I arrived at the gym, not really knowing that my shorts were bulgeing even more, I had no idea I was still getting bigger, I thought it had stopped when I got up that morning, I ducked to enter the gym, once inside there was no turning back, I was still getting bigger yet didn't know it, I then snuck up behind Carl "boo" I said, he turned around & his jaw nearly hit the ground, he was amazed to see how big I was, I laughed and said "so what do you think little man ?" I beamed at him. Carl was at a loss for words at first, then he said "yer huge !" I saw Carl wasn't looking up to my face at all, he was stareing at my groin, god I wanted him to suck me right there and then, but what he said next was a surprize to me, he told me he was a macrophile, I didn't know what that ment, untill later, he also invited me to come over to his place, I accepted, not knowing I was still getting bigger by the min, soon we were in his back yard, he lived way out in the boonies, far from town, I was glad he had a van, I couldn't fit in the front seat at all, that sould of sent a warning to my brain but it didn't, anyway he was telling me all kinds of things about his fantasies….. I was surprised to hear all this stuff coming from a guy so big, but now he wasn't so big, he looked like a little kid to me, still no alarm went off in my brain, he wanted to play sex games with my now huge cock, he started by undoing my shorts, I just sat there w/ a big smile on my face, he started rubbing my cock w/ both hands, my heart started pounding, my hormones started rageing, at this point I didn't seem to see that I was growing faster now, getting more & more musclar & taller & taller, I didn't care at this point as well……. Carl on the other hand was enjoying this a lot, he allways wanted a giant and it looks like he'll get one at last, he looked up at his friend who was now 5x larger then himself, he drooled a little as he rubbed himself on his friends growing cock, he was going to enjoy every second of this, even if it killed him…… I kept growing as Carl played w/ my member, I was getting too big as far as I was concerned, my brain was sending me a full scale red alert, but it was too late, I cummed, it flooded Carl's back yard, he was all naked & swimming around in it, I looked around and relized I was now 100ft tall, I blinked, there was no way I could live this way, I couldn't go back to work like this, I couldn't function in the normal world this way, I looked down at the now tiny Carl, he seemed so small & far away to me now, more like a toy then a person, I just couldn't believe my size, this is definatly BIGGER, but it's too weird for me, I don't know what I would do now, but I had to face it, I was stuck this way, for good……. Carl walked around to my back and crawled into my rear "oh my" I exclamed as he then started to play w/ my prostate, and I started growing again, I soon made the connetion to my growing & sex, as long as I was getting pleased I would grow, but when would it stop, there has to be a limit to it I thought, then the words hit me like a brick 'a little goes a long way' that was it, it was because I drank the whole bottle, I should of listened to him, but now it was too late I had made my bed, it was time to lay in it, I cummed again flooding Carl's backyard w/ more of my seed, I was panting like a madman, he soon made his way back to the front of me his arms held out, he looked like a bug to me, so tiny, so small, so far away, I scooped him up in my hand & brought him up to my face…… "I loved it" he shouted at me, I then felt like it was all worth it……. That was a year ago, I'm now around 500ft tall, I hope I've stopped growing, but Carl keeps telling me there's no way I could be too big for him, he'd find a way to please me, I'm living in his backyard still, trying to control my growing to see if I can shrink down to a normal size or at least something more manageable then this, but for now I don't care, Carl will soon be home and then the fun shall begin anew, he may be small to me in size, but he has a big heart. |
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