Gym of Dreams: Mike


By xythan_shadow

We continue to do our warm up set, stretching out of muscles. We know that we’re not going to get our usual workout today. We’ve found our next project. After warming up real well, we watch the kid and his father being led around the gym by Joe. While the father is inquisitive, the kid seems distracted. He seems to be listening to his father’s questions and Joe’s answers, but he doesn’t seem all there. The tour starts to come to an end and Joe does the follow up interview with the father. He leans down and whispers to his kid. I look at Armstrong and Armstrong looks at Joe. Joe nods and steps away.

Armstrong and I stride over to them. We have put on our personable faces and we begin to greet them.

“How do you like our gym?” Armstrong says in his deep, gentle voice.

“It’s quite nice. It reminds me of the weight rooms we had on our base.”

I look down at the kid and I put my hand on his shoulder gently, “And you? How do you feel about it?” I sense anxiety oozing from him and I try to steady him and make him feel calmer. He looks up to me and I see the same look in his eyes that I had when I first met Armstrong, a look of wonder, sadness, hopelessness, and awe. He mutters something under his breath and I nod. I know exactly how he feels. I look to his father and then Armstrong. Armstrong smiles and says for them to follow us. We lead them to the front desk.

“Hey Joe! Give me three of the usual,” then turning to the father “and what would you like sir?”

“Ummm…”he browses the board, “I’ll take the banana shake”

“Coming right up big guy!”

“And put it on our tab.” I yell after him.

“Thank you a lot gentlemen, but we didn’t put in my son’s order”

“Don’t worry,” I say to the kid more than his father, “we’ve already got him taken care of.”

Joe returns with three of the usual and a banana shake for us. We of course take ours down in two huge swallows, and then wipe our lips while the father slowly drinks his. The kid is looking at the huge cup the same way I did when I first saw it, and I lean down and whisper, “Peanut butter and Chocolate, with a little something extra.” His eyes sparkle a bit and he starts gulping the concoction. I stand back up and begin the conversation. “So, from the looks of you, you’re not the one looking for a gym, am I right” I state.

“No, my son here heard about this place and wanted to check it out”

“And he wants to grow bigger, just like his dad, doesn’t he.” Armstrong says. The kid perks up at Armstrong’s acute observation.

“Yeah, I think that’s about it. He hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet, but I’m telling him to be patient.”

“Hey Joe! C’mere.” I bellow, slightly startling the kid. “What’s your name kid?” I ask.

“Michael” he barely whispers.

“Joe, this here’s Mikey, no this is Mike. He’s the newest man in me and Armstrong’s crew. Put him on our tab.” I say to him, then turning to Mike, “Mikey’s no name for a man, you agree? We’ll just call you Mike since this is your first day as a new man.”

************************************************** **********************

I walk up to this place that was spoken to me. From the outside, it looks almost like a warehouse. The only way you would know what this place was is by reading the sign over the door that said “Gym of Dreams: Where YOU make your dreams come true.” I walk toward the door as my father parks the car. Before I even open it, I can smell something. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but it reminds me of my father when he came home from a heavy training session, but a lot more powerful. It’s so strong it’s almost intimidating. My father walks up behind me and sniffs. He lets out an ‘ahhhh’ and I presume that the smell makes him feel good. He opens the door for me and lets me go in first.

I enter the gym and immediately I’m greeted by a guy behind this bar type counter. He waves at me while my father walks in and I do a quick scan of the area. All I see are huge guys lifting massive weights. If I thought I was small in school, these guys made me seem like a dwarf, no, an insect. I feel myself balling up and I start to look at the floor. My father walks in behind me and nudges me inward. He walks up to the bar and begins to talk with the big guy behind it while I move to the side.

From here, I can see the place more clearly. There’s several machines and things that I’ve never seen before, and the only thing I really recognize are the bench press. As I’m looking toward them, I see this pair of brothers. They’re gigantic, bigger than anyone here and even bigger than my father. They’re wearing sleeveless shirts and gym shorts that make them look like they could break my father in half. The bigger of the two catches my eyes, and he’s staring at me it seems. His eyes look slightly blue, but there’s something weird about them. They feel warm and comforting, like I’ve known them for years. I stare at them for a minute until my father calls me over.

Joe, as he is introduced to me, leads us on a tour of his gym. He’s talking and my father’s asking questions, but I’m not really paying attention. Being around all these huge guys makes me slightly nervous. I was always comfortable around my father, but these guys seem almost unreal. Time passes and the tour is ending. Joe is asking my dad various questions and my dad leans down and says how I felt. I mumble I don’t know and Joe started to walk away. I look up and see these two massive guys, the same two I saw earlier standing in front of us. When closer, they looked even more intimidating. From a distance, they just seemed massive, but up close, I could see every line and contour on their bodies. Their shirts stuck to their abs and their shorts to their legs. They were huge and hairy and extremely well muscled. Their arms hung off their sides like giant ropes and seemed that they were bigger than my entire body. They stood tall and confident and their arms and forearms rippled with power and might as they shook my father’s hand. The bigger of the two began to make conversation with my father. Then the other one leaned down and put his hand on my shoulder. I was a firm but gentle hand, and I knew if he applied anymore pressure he would’ve made me fall over. But what really got my attention is how I felt then. All of the sudden, I felt good. I wasn’t as scared anymore. These massive mountains of muscle were very personable and I felt better. He asked me a question I couldn’t really hear, and I mumbled in agreement.

The bigger of the two tells us to follow him to the bar. Joe’s not standing there and so the big guy bellows an order. His voice is massive, full of bass and powerful. It feels like the gym resonates with it and I it is as if just a yell from him could knock me down. Joe walks up, obviously knowing what the big guy wanted while my father ordered his. I was about to say something but the other guy cuts my father and I off and looks at me and said that he had it handled. Joe goes in the back and in a few moments, comes out with some shakes. My dad picks up his and the big guy hands me a huge cup. It’s at least 64 ounces of liquid, and I look at it. The two big guys down theirs in two massive swallows and I continue to stare at them and mine. The smaller guy leans over to me and says “Peanut butter and Chocolate, with a little something extra.” I look up at him and smile. That’s my favorite flavor. My father has halfway finished his shake when the smaller guy starts talking.

“So, from the looks of you, you’re not the one looking for a gym, am I right” he says to my father.

“No, my son here heard about this place and wanted to check it out”

“And he wants to grow bigger, just like his dad, doesn’t he,” the big guy remarks.

I am completely shocked. How could he guess that so quickly?

“Yeah, I think that’s about it. He hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet, but I’m telling him to be patient.”

“Hey Joe! C’mere,” the smaller one yells. His voice is also a deep bass that shakes the gym and makes me twitch. “What’s your name kid?” he says to me.

“Michael” I can barely get out the words.

“Joe, this here’s Mikey, no this is Mike. He’s the newest man in me and Armstrong’s crew. Put him on our tab.” he says to Joe, then he looks at me, “Mikey’s no name for a man, you agree? We’ll just call you Mike since this is your first day as a new man.” Not only did they not call me Mikey, they’re treating me like a man, not some little kid. This is gonna be amazing I think to myself. •

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