The five of them were sitting in that kitchen. Chuck and Frazz and Edward and Brian as they listened to Jesse finish the story. "After that," he said, "Aaron went to the place on the paper. IGE. We couldn't afford the entrance fee for all three of us, so Aaron went because it was mostly his credit card we got the cash advance from, and he's going to get the final treatment and come back here with it." He shrugged his massive shoulders, only partially hidden under his tank top. He was also wearing a pair of cut-offs split up the outer seam to the waist. There was no other way his thick thighs were going to fit in those pants. And a basket that hinted at his size bulged in mute glory at his crotch. He kept adjusting himself as he told the story. "That was about a week ago, maybe two." He glanced at Brian, who was sprawled in a kitchen chair, and smiled. "As Brian can attest, we've been doing nothing but fucking and being fucked ever since. Something about this stuff just humps the hell out of your libido. There's no such thing as enough. You can get hard almost at will." He walked over to Chuck and Frazz, who were smiling knowingly, and tilted his head. "So I guess you two bums got the treatment, too? Have you already been to IGE? Are you fully charged, so to speak? Is this what I can expect when Aaron comes back?" Frazz smiled as he looked over at Chuck, who was laughing silently. Chuck stood up and placed his heavy paw on Jesse's shoulder. "Kid, you ain't seen the half of it." Jesse smiled back. "And you already gave some to Brian and his friend here, I see." He looked over at Brian. "Dude, you are so fine I'm hard just looking at you. Not that you weren't beautiful before, but now..." Brian looked at Frazz and then shrugged. "I don't know how he's doing it, but Frazz is responsible, that's all I know." Frazz twisted his lips into a frown. "Oh, don't be coy. You really think I wasn't noticing? I already knew about Jesse and Joseph's transformation, so it wasn't exactly a shock to me when things started to develop. Well, not a complete one. If I'm anything, I'm an egotist. Fuck, man, I look at myself in the mirror at least ten times a day. I know what I look like -- looked like. You thought I wouldn't notice that my dick was bigger? A guy and his dick are best friends. Besides, my dick is a lot bigger. And I noticed you're bigger since we met, too." He smiled and leaned over to kiss the chocolate giant. "At least now I can thank you properly." Edward was laughing. "Finally! Jesus, Brian, I thought these two would keep this up all night." He shot a punch at Chuck's arm. "You're such a fucking idiot. Every time you had your two heads together, you didn't notice us comparing our various developments? And why Brian just happened to mention coming here? Brian and I were just playing along to get everything we could out of this. Whatever the hell you were doing to us, we liked it!" "Why, you little shit!" "Not so little anymore, I think," he said, twisting his forearm around and watching his newly grown muscles jump and bulge. "So, what is this Transform and how, exactly are you giving it to us? I don't remember drinking anything you gave me, and I haven't eaten anything all night, but I just keep getting bigger and bigger." Chuck was shaking his head. "Take all the fun out of my little plans, and you expect me to just spill the beans?" He looked at Jesse. "When's this Joe getting back? Sounds like a guy I'd like to meet." "Any minute. Actually, he went to Wet Bar to look for this guy." He gestured toward Brian. "I'm sure he's already... that's probably him, now." The sound of the front door opening was shortly followed by a deep, clear, almost musical baritone announcing, "He's not there! Some dude said they saw him with some muscle freak and they did a backroom show with a guy named Ted and another black guy and... hello. You must be the muscle freak." Chuck stared. His mouth dropped open. Frazz was nearly drooling. Edward, who hadn't seen Joe before, felt his cock twitch and bulge and his heart skipped a beat. Brian, who had seen Joseph before, merely smiled. Because the guy who walked into the room was not just beautiful, he was perfect. What Transform did for little Joseph was not only accelerate his maturation from boy to man, but also filled in the gaps of what wasn't there yet. His dick hadn't been fully developed, so Transform developed a perfect dick. His body was still growing and developing and hadn't yet settled into its adult form, so Transform filled him out and filled in his gaps and gave him a body that, even under his T- shirt and jeans, looked amazing. Not a bulging mass of muscle, but a perfect collection of fully developed power. His exposed arms almost glowed with it, the fine hairs gleaming like silk, the skin nearly shimmering like liquid metal. His face was angelic, smooth, sculpted, perfect. He had a shadow of a beard on his face, probably not abnormal for this late hour, and it accentuated the lines of his features. His nose was aquiline, strait as an arrow. His lips were full, moist, sensuous yet masculine. They parted slightly and he smiled, and Chuck wanted to cream right then. This kid was beyond beautiful. He was every man's wet dream. "Hi," he said, sticking his hand out towards Chuck, "I'm Joe. And you're naked." Chuck took his hand and felt a shock pass between them. Was the kid giving off Transform? Or was it just the sensual feel of his flesh? Joseph didn't flinch, he just shook each man's hand in turn until he reached Brian, who he scanned up and down, said, "you look good enough to eat," and bent down to gift him with a deep, passionate kiss on the mouth. He straightened and immediately pulled his shirt off, revealing a chiseled torso of flawless muscularity with a hint of silken hair in all the right places. "So," he said, his hands unbuttoning his 501's, "who's fucking who?" His voice oozed sex. His movements were sensual, sexual, purely powerful with his innate sense of self and what his body could do and was doing. He looked supernatural, like someone created from the pages of a sketchbook, as if an artist of incredible talent had drawn the picture of perfect male beauty and, like magic, Joseph arose from that page in naked glory, his cock full and firm and ripe, his body bulging and flexing with muscular might, his eyes flashing with desire, his face the very countenance of gorgeous masculine beauty. Chuck could not keep his eyes off the kid. His voice oozed sex. His movements were sensual, sexual, purely powerful with his innate sense of self and what his body could do and was doing. He looked supernatural, like someone created from the pages of a sketchbook, as if an artist of incredible talent had drawn the picture of perfect male beauty and, like magic, Joseph arose from that page in naked glory, his cock full and firm and ripe, his body bulging and flexing with muscular might, his eyes flashing with desire, his face the very countenance of gorgeous masculine beauty. Chuck could not keep his eyes off the kid. Jesse laughed, awaking Chuck from his reverie. "Actually, believe it or not, these naked gentlemen and myself were just about to discover the secret of Transform." Joe stopped just short of pushing his jeans off his hips. A wealth of shiny, soft-looking pubic hair was erupting out of his crotch and the thick root of his prick was peeking out. "Really?" He looked at Brian. "I thought you looked... even better than usual." Chuck said, "How old is he, again?" Joe looked over. " `He' is 16." Brian smiled. "And never been kissed." Joe smiled back. "Just fucked in the ass a lot." He wiggled the target in question. His jeans clung to his high, tight buns like a second skin. He left his pants undone put didn't strip out of them as he planted his butt on the counter by the sink and said, "Please, don't let me interrupt. Does this mean Aaron finally made it back? Did he give some to Brian? And how come no one's telling me the names of the other three amazing guys in our kitchen?" Brian said, "How rude of me. This is Frazz, which is probably some sort of nickname but we've been a little busy for pleasantries. The gentlemen with the drool on his chin is Chuck, and the young man to his right is my new best friend -- sorry, Jesse -- Edward, who has been receiving tutelage from Chuck while I've been learning under, and I do mean under, Frazz." He grinned. "As you noticed, I have been undergoing some sort of agreeable physical makeover this evening, as has my friend Ed. Jesse was just telling our new friends, and me again, all about your transformations and Chuck, apparently, was going to shed a little more light on the process." He then shut up, and all eyes turned to Chuck. He sat up a little and folded his hands together on the table. "Well," he said, "I can either give you the long version -- and I stress it's very long -- or I can just show you." Joe piped up. "I think you're already showing about all there is to show." He reached inside his jeans. "Not that I mind four naked men in my kitchen, of course." "No, in fact, you haven't." He was smiling his crooked smile now. "And we're going to need more room if you want to see it all." Jesse's brow furrowed, but he said, "the living room has a vaulted ceiling if you plan on jumping around a lot." "Or flying," added Joseph. Everyone laughed. Everyone but Chuck and Frazz. "How high?" |
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