What Dreams May Come: Sleeping Beauty
I lay on my couch in my darkened flat staring up at the ceiling illuminated in parts by the shafts of bright moonlight shining through the open balcony window.I could see the moon in its full glory high in the starlit night sky and the quietness of my flat should of helped me drift off to sleep. But i was kept awake by increasingly homoerotic fantasies about the guy who slept on my bed in my bedroom,soundly sleeping off the effects of his inebriated state following our night of clubbing and drinking. Craig had been a work-mate at a place i used to work.I bumped into him one day and he had offered for me to accompany him with a group of mutual freinds for a night out clubbing. Inevitably,he had gotten totally pissed out of his head and almost ineptly unsuccessful in his attempt to pull a girl for a quick shag, and i had opted to allow him to sleep it off at my flat since i lived alone and he was too drunk to get home himself. But as he lay on my bed heavily into slumber, i could'nt but think about Craig and my intense sexual attraction towards the cute 19 year old, ten years my junior... I began to get an erection as images of his lean muscular body completely naked,filled my mind. I tried to shake off the fantasies feeling a sense of insecurity about it. Craig had known i was gay and i could clearly tell from his body language that he felt uncomfortable with my homosexuality,though he said it did'nt bother him.. Craig was a very assertive and often short tempered guy,and i knew that if he had found out about my sexual attraction to him, that he'd go apeshit and beat me up. I was afraid to admit to myself that i was kinda sexually aroused by the thought of Craig dominating me and making me his bitch-boy.That i was perhaps a little masochistic.But i would never dare to push it with Craig... Though i tried my best to shift these fantasies, i was beginnig to enjoy them, and i could feel myself reaching orgasm. I whipped my 6 inch cock from my boxers and began to wank as quietly as i could, although Craig was probably too deep asleep to hear my muffled groans as i brought myself closer to the edge. With a grunt,i came over my hand and onto my boxers in short sharp spurts,feeling the weakness of post orgasm briefly overcome me. Recovering, i got up tentatively from the couch and tiptoed my way to the bathroom,washed myself and changed into a fresh pair of boxers. On my way back, i decided to take a peek at my sleeping guest. Craig was laying on his back,beathing softly,still dressed in his blue shirt and jeans. I had thought about unbuttoning his shirt hoping to get a surrepticious glance at his firm chest beneath,when i had assisted him into the bedroom,but only managed to get his shoes,socks and ever present baseball cap off. I watched his firm chest rising and lowering as he slept,imagining that his lightly muscled pecs would suddenly expand and burst open his shirt. I shook my head and felt my cock once again begin to stiffen. Just as i was about to retire to the couch,Craig let out a groan,and then what sounded like material stiches stretching. I stood stock still,watching him as he slept. His shirt looked tight on his chest for a moment,but i put it down to just my fantasies.But as his chest rose as he slept, a button suddenly broke off and shot across the room. I shook my head hoping that this was just my dream, but as i watched, i could see the outline of two shapely pecs forming beneath Craigs thin club shirt, and then the definite protrusion of his nipples poking under the shirt.A gap was pulling open between two buttons as his pecs thickened and rippled slightly,and i could see his chest hair poking through. Shit, i was getting painfully erect at the sight of Craigs pecs perceptively swelling before my eyes like a scene from an 80's movie called HUNK where some nerd was transformed in his sleep into a buff young hunk by some weird witch waving her hand over him.But Craig was always a stud in my eyes. The sound of Craigs shirt ripping its seams brought me round to the scene before me. Another button popped off his shirt and then it suddenly burst open to unveil his swelling pecs rising into thick slabs of muscle covered in dark swirls of hair sweeping across his growing mounds. I wanted to caress and kiss those thickening pecs but dared not to,even though my lust wanted me to. And they were becoming huge and heavy,bigger than a bodybuilders. Craig groaned again and his massive pecs flexed and the swelling stopped just as they were pushing up against his chin,nearly hiding his face from my view. But the growth spread elsewhere..To his lean tight stomach where the sexy thin trail of hair lead up from his pubes to the deep crevasse of his beefy pecs. His stomach tensed and then very gradually,in the shafts of bright moonlight,i could see it ripple and his abs take form,rising like dough in an oven into a six pack that flexed and crunched together.And then his abs grew into a ten pack of hard rippling cobblestone muscles .crushing against each other as Craig seemed to respond by subtly moving his hips.Then his trail of hair grew denser between his fat bricks of abs undulating like sand-dunes,but did not spread out across them, Craig groaned again, almost as if he was dreaming and enjoying this in his sleep. I was painfully hard and wanted to whip out my cock there and then to give it relief,but i was afraid and rooted to the spot as Craig grew before me. He shifted in his sleep and threw his arms up behind his head,which made me think he was waking up,but he was'nt!. I could see the growth spreading into his arms and shoulders.His neck thickened and his shoulders strained at his shirt as his delts pumped up thickly,gradually ripping the seams of his shirt. His biceps,already the size of baseballs,bulged beneath his sleeves into round firm mounds expanding to the size of grapefruits,but still they grew,putting pressure on his sleeves.And as i watched,near orgasm,his sleeves finally succumbed and ripped apart to reveal his bloating biceps and heaving traps. Biceps grew into huge bowling balls at least 25 plus inches but still they grew,thick cord like veins pulsing across the rising fat mounds as they bloated inhumanly towards 30 inches nearly crushing against his head till they stopped.His upper arms were freaky huge now and with rippling sinewy forearms now the size of my own calves, Craig looked as if he could uproot an Oak tree.! My eyes glided down his huge torso as his lats billowed out with a growth now more urgent, into huge bulging slabs.. I was so captivated by the morphing of his torso i had missed the growth in his legs, but the sound of his jeans shredding apart caught my attention as i looked on in awe as his thick thighs bulged and thickened into tree trunks of shher power,blowing out his jeans and they flexed and grew even bigger than my waist! His calves pumping up as if air was being inflated in them till they were bigger than my biceps..Craig was now a behemoth of huge muscle,nearly outgrowing my bed which creaked under his increased weight. But something else was growing too.Craig,still apparently asleep,reached down and ripped open the crotch of his jeans and then his breifs as if they were flimsy tissue paper,and with nocturnal lust,pulled out his cock in his meaty hand. It too began to grow. Still flaccid,it began to engorge,expanding in his grasp and pushing apart his fingers.Veins rippled along the fattening shaft as it swelled into the girth of a beercan,then added more length to it,pushing out down along his huge thigh towards his knee, and still his cock was soft and covered by foreskin which also seemed to grow more over his flaring cockhead at least two more inches to a now near 15 inch length. With his other hand,Craig cupped his balls as they bloated like filling airbags and spilling out of his grasp as big as oranges,bigger, as big as grapefuit,heaving and churning with what looked like gallons of cum.. I stood against the doorframe shaking and flustered with burgeoning arousal,nearing orgasm. "What are you standing there for,faggot.?" I was suddenly broken out of my state of reverie, to see Craig lying on my bed peering up at me through sleepy eyes,with apparently no ill effects of his earlier drunken state. "Come here and worpship my huge fucking body, Bitchboy!" |
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